Quote of the day - Frederic Bastiat
Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state wants to live at the expense of everyone.
Frederic Bastiat
"And indeed, the burden of Cassandra's "gift" is evident in mythology. She predicted the outcome of many disastrous events. In one memorable example, Cassandra announced the dire consequences of the Trojans accepting the infamous Wooden Horse from their Greek opponents. But as Apollo made certain, no one believed Cassandra when she warned her companions about the future. And this, in the end, was to be Cassandra's tragic fate."
Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state wants to live at the expense of everyone.
The following report would be alarming for anyone who had no knowledge of the Chinese military buildup and foreign adventures over the past decade. Of course only those who receive their news exclusively from the MSM/DNC would be so ill-informed.
China is building its military forces faster than U.S. intelligence and military analysts expected, prompting fears that Beijing will attack Taiwan in the next two years, according to Pentagon officials.
U.S. defense and intelligence officials say all the signs point in one troubling direction: Beijing then will be forced to go to war with the United States, which has vowed to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack.
"There's a growing consensus that at some point in the mid-to-late '90s, there was a fundamental shift in the sophistication, breadth and re-sorting of Chinese defense planning," said Richard Lawless, a senior China-policy maker in the Pentagon. "And what we're seeing now is a manifestation of that change in the number of new systems that are being deployed, the sophistication of those systems and the interoperability of the systems."emphasis added
Asked about a possible Chinese attack on Taiwan, the official put it bluntly: "In the '07-'08 time frame, a capability will be there that a year ago we would have said was very, very unlikely. We now assess that as being very likely to be there."
Air Force Gen. Paul V. Hester, head of the Pacific Air Forces, said the U.S. military has been watching China's military buildup but has found it difficult to penetrate Beijing's "veil" of secrecy over it.
While military modernization itself is not a major worry, "what does provide you a pause for interest and concern is the amount of modernization, the kind of modernization and the size of the modernization," he said during a recent breakfast meeting with reporters.
China is building capabilities such as aerial refueling and airborne warning and control aircraft that can be used for regional defense and long-range power projection, Gen. Hester said.
It also is developing a maneuverable re-entry vehicle, or MARV, for its nuclear warheads. The weapon is designed to counter U.S. strategic-missile defenses, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The warhead would be used on China's new DF-31 long-range missiles and its new submarine missile, the JL-2.
The bomb shelters, the report said, covered an area of more than 70,000 square meters - or some 17.3 acres - and could accommodate tens of thousands of people.
Are the Chinese signaling that they are more prepared for an ultimate showdown with the United States some day? Are they familiarizing their citizens with the shelters because they expect they will be needed for another purpose some time?
Thousands of Chinese rioted in a dispute sparked by a lopsided roadside brawl, set fire to cars and wounded six police officers in an outburst likely to worry communist leaders in Beijing desperate to cling on to power.
Click here for the entire list.
The only summit meeting that can succeed is the one that does not take place.
Europe is no longer Europe, it is 'Eurabia,' a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense. Servility to the invaders has poisoned democracy, with obvious consequences for the freedom of thought, and for the concept itself of liberty.
It is fascinating to hear teachers say that having to "teach to the test" reduces their ability to engage in good teaching. What they call "good teaching" is the very reason our students do so badly in international comparisons and why colleges have to have large numbers of remedial courses to teach students what they didn't learn in school.
Recently syndicated columnist Jack Anderson was doing a story on Hillary Clinton, and in the process his staff requested a copy of her 1969 senior thesis from Wellesley College. It was a seemingly simple request, since normally college theses are public record, available to anyone.
Not, however, in this case. Anderson was told that the current Wellesley president had created a new rule in 1992. The new rule, Anderson says, is that "...the college would seal the senior theses of any Wellesley grads who were either the first lady or the president of the United States." (Perhaps not coincidentally, the president of Wellesley is a long-time friend of Mrs. Clinton's.)
Okay, Anderson asked, can you just tell us the *subject* of the paper? No. Well, was the new policy enacted at Clinton's request? Again, no answer.
Perplexed and intrigued, Anderson contacted Hillary's White House press corps. He was assured it was no big deal, and that he'd be sent a copy of the paper, along with an explanation of why it had been sealed. Several weeks passed, however, and no thesis appeared. Finally he was told that no copy would be coming -- and no explanation would be given.
The thesis' title, "There is Only the Fight ... An Analysis of the Alinsky Model," exposes Clinton's strong ideological attachment to her most influential mentor, Saul Alinsky.
Reading this work makes it clear why she had to remove it from public view, for Alinsky, who died in 1972, was a radical social activist who preached grass-roots organizing and intense, confrontational politics.
Alinsky defined "obtaining power" as a key tactic of organizing his "mass jujitsu." His formula for attack: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it."
A series of hard-Left mentors introduced Hillary to the brass-knuckle realities of revolutionary activism. As a Wellesley undergraduate, she met and interviewed radical organizer Saul Alinsky, whose Machiavellian tactics she admired. Hillary's senior thesis supported Alinsky's call for class warfare.
Labels: Bravenet, Hillary Clinton, Wellesley thesis
Peggy Noonan's piece on the Ed Klein Hillary book raises some questions about Hillary that are more fundamental than the MSM/DNC is capable of answering:
This is an anti-Hillary book by the MSM. It has been heavily promoted not by a conservative publication but by Vanity Fair magazine, which published a big fat juicy chapter in its famous "Deep Throat" issue. . . . . Mr. Klein's problem is that he assumes the market is conservative and conservatives are stupid. They're not, actually. They want solid sourcing and new information that is true.
But he ignores the Rosetta stone of Hillary studies, the senior college thesis she wrote on leftist organizer Saul Alinsky and how to change the American political culture, which her alma mater, Wellesley College, obligingly continues to suppress on her request.emphasis added
Labels: Hillary Clinton, Wellesley thesis
Gitmo is the gulag equivalent of a Ben Affleck movie: no one's seen it, but everyone has an opinion about it.
First of all, I hate polls. Polls are unreliable and are constantly used as a tool by the MSM/DNC. Polls are useful to the MSM/DNC even when the outcome temporarily favors those opposed to the MSM/DNC.
A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 20% of Americans believe prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have been treated unfairly. Seven-out-of-ten adults believe the prisoners are being treated "better than they deserve" (36%) or "about right" (34%).
The survey also found that just 14% agree with people who say that prisoner treatment at Guantanamo Bay is similar to Nazi tactics. Sixty-nine percent disagree with that comparison. This helps explain why Illinois Senator Dick Durbin apologized for making such a comparison.
As if on cue, the leftists have produced a "documentary" designed to "promote understanding" and prevent prejudice toward Muslims in this country. Debbie Schlussel deconstructs the movie makers' agenda in the Wall Street Journal:
I asked the show's executive producers--all of whom worked on "The Awful Truth With Michael Moore," a cable TV show--how this could be a documentary when they had decided the outcome in advance. Wasn't it possible that Mr. Stacy would come out seeing that there isn't Islamophobia to the extent that the Muslim community claims? Might he see that there is disturbingly strong support in the Detroit-area Islamic community for terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah--a fact regularly documented even in the normally pliant Detroit media?
No, the producers told me. "Morgan wants the show to demonstrate to America that we are Islamophobic and that 9/11's biggest victims are Muslims."
I call on those who question the motives of the President and his national security advisers to join with the rest of America in presenting a united front to our enemies abroad.
1. The MSM/DNC provides plenty of coverage of the Kelo decision, but continuously refers to the decision as that of the "Supreme Court", instead of a narrow majority of liberal justices. [But the Bush v. Gore decision of December 2000 is always referred to as the case where "a-Republican-appointed-conservative-narrow-majority-selected-Bush-even-though-Gore-got-more-votes."] The distinction is important, in that those who rely exclusively on the MSM/DNC for news believe that the Court is somehow conservative and that conservative justices are kicking people out of their homes. In fact, the opposite is true.
"The Media Are the Enemy"
In the immediate aftermath of 9-11, the MSM/DNC leapt into action. They declared war - - on our soldiers, on George Bush, on American efforts to defend itself, etc.
The Supreme Court (at least the liberal majority thereof) has suddenly discovered the tenth amendment, but only for the purpose of allowing cities to seize private homes and give them to developers.
A stiff apology is a second insult... The injured party does not want to be compensated because he has been wronged; he wants to be healed because he has been hurt.
As evidence of the growing power of the blogosphere, I discovered this past weekend the concept of the blogfather and Blogfather's Day. Check it out at Third World County.
1754 Blog has the story of the bankrupt Florida Democratic party. He means literally bankrupt, not merely morally and intellectually.
The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them away.
With 79 days to go before the Rathergate anniversary on September 8th, we can celebrate the countdown by marking a new scandal involving the MSM/DNC and a new memo. [Actually, the story is starting to get old, but sometimes I don't notice things until they get rancid].
A reporter hired by Mary Mapes as a CBS assistant producer, "Michael Smith," was the guy that BummerDietz fingered as the true culprit of MemoGate. Can there be two "Michael Smiths" who are leftish military stringers?
Rawstory indicates that Michael Smith admits that he "destroyed the original copies" before September 17, 2004. So, this timeline would be that Smith is destroying memos, around September 2004....The faked Killian memos appear to have been forged in mid-August, 2004, and a story was told by Burkett that he had "destroyed the originals."
Now we have Michael Smith (again, same Mapes team guy?) admitting that he was typing up old memo copies the same 30-day period?
Is that the same Michael Smith - the one emailed Mapes in Memogate, trying to arrange a publishing advance/bribe for Burkett, asking if it could be arranged: "What if there was a person who might have some information that could possibly change the momentum of an election?"
One or more Michael Smiths were very busy in August and September 2004 with not one, but TWO SETS of faked memos that were highly critical of George Bush.....
Mark Steyn's most recent column uses the following phrase:
. . . the hermetically sealed echo chamber between the Dem leadership, the mainstream US media, Hollywood, Ivy League “intellectuals” and European sophisticates
Click here for previous editions of "Classics of Conservatism."
For 60 known centuries, this planet that we call Earth has been inhabited by human beings not much different from ourselves. Their desire to live has been just as strong as ours. They have had at least as much physical strength as the average person of today, and among them have been men and women of great intelligence. But down through the ages, most human beings have gone hungry, and many have always starved.
A desire presupposes the possibility of action to achieve it; action presupposes a goal which is worth achieving.
A prude used to be someone who squirmed about sex even in private; now it's anyone who merely wishes sex were still private. Private means, among other things, special. Only a prostitute or a lecher considers sexual partners interchangeable; normal people think sexual intimacy should exist only between people whose lives are properly intertwined.
Yesterday was the two year anniversary of Black Five's blog. While that blog preceded Rathergate, it experienced a notable upswing in traffic following the scandal. While I am sure that the election also played a major role in that upswing, Black Five's traffic has never receded to pre-Rathergate levels. Examine Black Five's traffic, read the posts and draw your own conclusions.
Perhaps most importantly, the blogosphere grew by leaps and bounds as a result of that scandal. While I had begun to follow certain blogs as the election campaign wore on last summer, Rathergate was the hook that reeled me in. My own blog began at the end of September, 2004, as I joined in the wave that carries us to the new media future.
So, why am I writing about this now? Why not wait until September? I consider the anniversary to be such a momentous event that it merits a long runup - especially since it will be ignored by the MSM/DNC. Rathergate was the watershed event that brought not only the blogosphere, but the entire new media into the public spotlight. ...................................
Rathergate (and the long term significance of Rathergate) deserve numerous posts. Over the next three months I hope to focus on Rathergate and the new media in an effort to foster greater appreciation of how far we have come and where we are going next. I hope also to generate sufficient buzz to insure that this event will not be ignored or lost in a sea of the MSM/DNC's usual white noise.
Why do some people use a fancy mathematical term like "parameters" when all that they really mean is boundaries?
Click here, here and here for previous posts on the Rathergate anniversary countdown.
The mass media have spread the assumption that fads can be moral imperatives. They create an illusory world in which the past hardly exists, especially the Christian past.March 4, 1997
Those media are less useful for communication, in the sense of conversational give-and-take, than for propaganda. The rise of mass media has proved especially useful for tyrants who are determined to obliterate historical memory and create masses of manipulable people, as Stalin used his media monopoly to rewrite history and science.
Just as freedom depends on keeping political power carefully divided, it requires media that are not only independent but diverse. In the recent era of media giants -- when three networks dominated the airwaves -- ideological diversity was minimal. We're now moving into an era of media fragmentation, for which we should be deeply grateful. It means the end of the liberal opinion cartel.
CBS' "60 Minutes" recently ran a short piece about alarming myths propagated on the Internet. But the great virtue of the Internet, as opposed to the big networks, is that anyone can get a piece of the action. You can actually talk back, contradict, argue, without buying your own network. There is far more interaction -- real communication -- than was ever possible on the big networks. On the Internet, falsehood is harder to spread, and easier to correct, than on the centralized media of the recent past.
John Henry Newman, a 19th-century Anglican who converted to Catholicism (and eventually became a cardinal), observed that during the Arian heresy of the fourth century, the church's elite, including most bishops, had largely embraced Arianism. It was the laity who defended orthodoxy and finally prevailed.
In the same way, the grassroots media are now rising up against the elite media. Of course the new media have their own absurd fads, but because of the actual diversity of those media -- and we all want "diversity," don't we? -- absurdity can't get a monopoly. Just as important, it can't create the illusion of consensus. To listen to some of the network talk shows, you'd think America was populated exclusively by liberals (and "responsible" conservatives who might as well be liberals).
The real trouble with the media age is that there haven't been enough media. Fortunately, that's no longer true. And liberal fads are no longer likely to pass for "official" truths.
A man who is eating or lying with his wife or preparing to go to sleep in humility, thankfulness and temperance, is, by Christian standards, in an infinitely higher state than one who is listening to Bach or reading Plato in a state of pride.
It seems that Terri Schiavo's great misfortune was that she was not a muslim terrorist housed at Guantanamo. Had she possessed the foresight to blow up some schoolchildren with a car bomb instead of marrying Michael Schiavo, she would right now be receiving far better treatment from the courts and the justice system than she actually received (and would be allowed to eat also).
American soldiers make do with C-rations. Dinner on an America West flight from New York to Las Vegas consists of one small bag of peanuts. Meanwhile, one recent menu for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo consisted of orange-glazed chicken, fresh fruit crepe, steamed peas and mushrooms, and rice pilaf. Sounds like the sort of thing you'd get at Windows on the World – if it still existed.
A Rand Corporation study provides further details on China's military catching up with the U.S. Thank you Bill Clinton.
Kudos to Debbie Schlussel for remembering the 20 year anniversary of TWA flight 847. I can recall the scenes on television day after day as western negotiators tried to "resolve" the situation. This hijacking occurred before anyone had the idea of resolving the problem by going into the Middle East and removing governments. We spent nearly thirty years attempting to deal with terrorism by negotiation, pressuring Israel, ignoring the problem, surgical strikes, working with our "allies", endless truces and treaties, nobel prizes for terrorists, etc.
-- Excessive laws are worse than useless. Many new laws confer legitimacy on what common sense would recognize as crimes.
Click here to read Phoenix Mercury Assistant Head Coach Julie Brase's two word e-mail to Debbie Schlussel. Did she need to consult a thesaurus before she typed her e-mail?
Dr. Sanity has posted the following chart to show the difference between the items that the MSM/DNC is fixated on (the left side of the chart) and items that MSM/DNC is incapable of acknowledging (the right side of the chart):
To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering.
Check out this story as we commemmorate flag day. It appears that former Cub Rick Monday took part in some interesting heroics on the field one day in 1976. I have no memory of this event despite being old enough to follow baseball at the time.
The Baseball Hall of Fame recently named Monday's quick-thinking act as one of the 100 Classic Moments in the history of the game.
Now that I have discussed what I consider to be the
real scandalof the Clinton administration, I would like to comment briefly as the dust settles on the Ed Klein book matter.
If maintaining our "credibility" were to henceforth require stridently proactive defense of our political foes against personal attacks and innuendo from their own side, then that would consign one more word to the dustbin of etymological incoherence.
. . . Hillary was one of the most liberated women of her generation and would be about as likely to accept forcible assault as step out of a moving plane sans-parachute . . .
But, you know, we've been told ever since 9/11 that the allegedly seething ''Muslim street'' was about to explode, and for four years it's remained as somnolent as a suburban cul-de-sac on a weekday afternoon. Invade their countries, topple their rulers, bomb their infrastructure from the first day of Ramadan to the last, arrest their terrorists, hold them at Gitmo for half a decade, initiate reforms setting the Arab world on the first rung of the ladder to political and economic liberty, and the seething Muslim street gives one almighty shrug.
As I promised Monday, here is the biggest reason to oppose the Clintons. For those of you that claim to be offended because of the scandalous nature of the Ed Klein "attack", here is a test. If these facts don't cause you to take up your sword and oppose the Clintons, then your feigned "offense" at the Klein book was a mere "feel good" exercise.
U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter and former federal prosecutor Charles Labella today outlined parts of LaBella's still-confidential memo from 1998 that urges appointment of an independent counsel to investigate President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore for possibly illegal campaign fund-raising practices in the 1996 election.emphasis added
Specter, R-Pa., who read the LaBella memo Monday night after the Justice Department gave him access to it, disclosed that the document seeks an investigation of the president and the head of Loral Corp. because of $1.5 million in donations by the business executive to the Democratic National Committee. Loral obtained a waiver from the Clinton administration allowing the company to do satellite business with China.
LaBella said the question would be whether the money, in such situations, was given in exchange for the benefit to a business.
The chief suspect in revealing top U.S. nuclear secrets to China, Wen Ho Lee, flunked a lie-detector test last February, a new congressional report says.
The probe "was not a comedy of errors but a tragedy of errors," said Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), the panel's ranking Democrat. "There was a shocking lack of thoroughness, competency and urgency in the government's investigation."
Possibly for the first time ever, the report says, the Justice Department refused to help the FBI get a wiretap - agents were seeking to eavesdrop on Lee.
Critics have also questioned when President Clinton was informed of possible Chinese spying and why his administration was so slow to react.
During Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign, Democrats got - and later returned - megabucks in illegal campaign cash with Chinese links.
As he rages against the dying of the spotlight, Bill Clinton can breathe one final sigh of relief: the man with whom he established the illegal "Asian Connection" that heavily financed his 1992 and 1996 campaigns has been given a walk by Reno Justice.
James Riady, the Indonesian billionaire with close ties to Beijing's leaders, was allowed to plead guilty to conspiring to defraud the U.S. One of his banks will pay a fine of $8 million, to him a painless penalty. Because no threat of jail hangs over the Clinton money man who evaded subpoenas for almost five years, he is not induced to tell the whole truth about his hugely successful purchase of White House influence.
Staring us in the face is this stunning assertion now harder than ever to controvert: An American president's foreign policy decisions were substantially influenced by unlawful campaign contributions at critical times from a foreign source. In my view, that inescapable judgment will be more damning in history's eyes than Whitewater cover-ups or any abuses for which Clinton was impeached.
His defense is an artful denial that his decisions were influenced "solely" by contributions. Not solely. Other considerations, such as the avid advocacy of some business executives, muddied his motives so that a charge of outright bribery cannot be brought.
But the election law was broken and the reluctant Justice Department had to be hounded by a vigilant press and frustrated Congress into doing even part of its duty. Riady's much-needed money passed and Clinton's favors were done and America's Asian policies were changed. No nostalgic spinning or pleas to move on will ameliorate that betrayal of trust.
Clinton friend and fund-raiser Charles Trie was a conduit for illegal donations from Chinese military and intelligence operatives to the Democratic National Committee and the president’s campaign committees. But Insight has learned that Trie also was involved — and used Clinton connections — in facilitating a 1993 sale of dual-use medical technology to China that poses a significant national-security threat.
In the course of 17 secret Trie interviews with the FBI in 1999 the Clinton confidant revealed an elaborate and illegal scheme to funnel large sums into Clinton-Gore campaign coffers and the president’s legal-defense fund. He also confessed to orchestrating the sale of a 500-liter (130-gallon) medical fermentation device to a pharmaceutical plant in China suspected of manufacturing chemical and biological agents for military purposes.
China is building up its missile forces in preparation for possible attacks against Taiwan - and the United States if the U.S. military comes to the island's aid. The large number of regional offensive missile systems, backed by space-based spying systems, will be the "cornerstone of People's Liberation Army warfighting early in the 21st century" and a "devastating weapon of military utility," according to a Pentagon report.
"Beijing's drift toward a force dominated by offensive theater missiles could have significant implications for regional stability," the report said. "In the most likely scenario for their use, the PLA's growing arsenal of highly accurate and lethal theater missiles, and a preemptive doctrine could give Beijing a decisive edge in any future conflict with Taiwan."
Regarding U.S. involvement in a war between China and Taiwan, the report makes clear that Beijing won't hesitate to attack.
"The PLA has indicated a willingness to use highly accurate short-range ballistic missiles, medium-range ballistic missiles and land attack cruise missiles against U.S. assets, to include key bases in Japan and aircraft carriers operating in the Western Pacific," the report said, noting that Chinese weapons planners are working hard at preparing missiles to attack U.S. carriers.
A newly declassified House committee report says China stole secrets on every deployed U.S. nuclear missile warhead in recent years and now has 20 long-range missiles aimed at the United States.
The report, obtained yesterday by The Washington Times, is a sweeping analysis of Chinese efforts to steal U.S. military and defense secrets and technology.
"The world is a lot less safe today as a consequence of these thefts," said Rep. Christopher Cox, California Republican and chairman of the special House committee.
. . . . . . . .
The report also said China supplies assistance to the nuclear weapons programs of Iran and Pakistan.
That finding contradicts President Clinton's recent certification to Congress that China was not supplying nuclear weapons-related goods to rogue states.
The report identified two Chinese officials, Wang Jun and Liu Chaoying, as being directly involved in illegal activities in the United States.
Mr. Wang is the son of the late Chinese President Wang Zhen and is head of a Chinese company that tried to smuggle 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles into the United States. He also attended a White House "coffee" with Mr. Clinton in 1996 and is connected to more than $600,000 in illegal campaign contributions made by Charles Yah Lin Trie to the Democratic National Committee.
In late 1996, months earlier than previously acknowledged, a senior Clinton Administration official ordered that security measures at the nation's nuclear weapons laboratories be quickly strengthened, but his orders were largely ignored or delayed, Administration officials said on Tuesday.
For previous posts on the Rathergate anniversary countdown, click here.
If the bloodbath must come, then let's get on with it!
Do I believe the accusations that Drudge has excerpted from Ed Klein's new book? I don't know, but even Clinton supporters have to realize that nothing is impossible, unthinkable or unspeakable when it comes to the Clintons.
But Hillary and her camp may have a hard time typecasting Ed Klein as a Clinton-crazed right-winger. Klein is the former foreign editor of NEWSWEEK and former editor in chief of the NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE. He is a frequent contributor to VANITY FAIR and PARADE.
He is also the author of THE KENNEDY CURSE; FAREWELL, JACKIE; and several other NEW YORK TIMES bestsellers.
VANITY FAIR has already commissioned an excerpt of the embargoed Hillary book, exploring Hillary's senate runs.
I get the feeling Klein has some part in the 'Hillary for President' strategy by deliberately putting this garbage out, then including some other authentic charges of unethical or even criminal behavior by her and Bill. The result: When the other charges are brought up in 2008 (or even 2006) Hillary can cite this book as being 'discredited'. The MSM then shuts down any story relating to her ethical 'lapses' because they are given the same weight as the 'rape' charge.
Mark Steyn writes today that this century shall not be "The Chinese Century." I can only hope that he is correct.
China is (to borrow the formulation they used when they swallowed Hong Kong) "One Country, Two Systems". On the one hand, there's the China the world gushes over - the economic powerhouse that makes just about everything in your house. On the other, there's the largely unreconstructed official China - a regime that, while no longer as zealously ideological as it once was, nevertheless clings to the old techniques beloved of paranoid totalitarianism: lie and bluster in public, arrest and torture in private. China is the Security Council member most actively promoting inaction on Darfur, where (in the most significant long-range military deployment in five centuries), it has 4,000 troops protecting its oil interests. Kim Jong-Il of North Korea is an international threat only because Beijing licenses him as a provocateur with which to torment Washington and Tokyo, in the way that a mob boss will send round a mentally unstable heavy. This is not the behaviour of a psychologically healthy state.
I said a while back that China was a better bet for the future than Russia or the European Union. Which is damning with faint praise: trapped in a demographic death spiral, Russia and Europe have no future at all. But that doesn't mean China will bestride the scene as a geopolitical colossus. When European analysts coo about a "Chinese century", all they mean is "Oh, God, please, anything other than a second American century". But wishing won't make it so.
China won't advance to the First World with its present borders intact. In a billion-strong state with an 80 per cent rural population cut off from the coastal boom and prevented from participating in it, "One country, two systems" will lead to two or three countries, three or four systems.
Click here for my explanation of the Rathergate anniversary countdown.
This must be the golden age of euphemisms. When people deliberately violate our laws by crossing our borders illegally, they are called "undocumented workers." When people steal copyrighted material and exchange it among themselves, it is called "file swapping" instead of fencing stolen goods.
Someone should inform the authorities in Michigan [both state and federal] that the danger from China results from the Chinese military buildup [thanks to Bill Clinton], not from Chinese restaurants and their employees.
In the State of Michigan, with the most concentrated Islamic population outside the Middle East, you'd think illegal aliens and undocumented workers could be found at falafel joints all over the place. But what kind of restaurants do they raid? That's right -- Chinese restaurants. Michigan State Police raided 17 Chinese restaurants, looking for illegal and undocumented workers. It would be unfair to target Arabs and Muslims. But, at a time when Islamic terrorism is at an all time high, no problem raiding places like Ho Lee Kow and Give Me Chow. Political Incorrectness is okay, so long as it has nothing to do with the protected classes of radical Islam and fattoush consumers.
While it may seem a little early to post the above headline, it is, in fact, a little late for the Chinese military buildup to be coming to light. The Chinese government has built its military capability over the past decade and a half, to the point where they are a definite threat to the U.S.
We have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world – except for the Jews. The Jews will not enjoy a life of tranquility under our rule, because they are treacherous by nature, as they have been throughout history. The day will come when everything will be relieved of the Jews - even the stones and trees which were harmed by them. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits Jews. The stones and trees will want the Muslims to finish off every Jew.
There is a new book due to be released later this month about Hillary Clinton.
But a new report about the book confirms what was first revealed exclusively in NewsMax’s Insider Report this past weekend: The late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and his wife, Liz, despised Hillary.
I hate to keep dwelling on the MSM/DNC's favorite subject, but Ann Coulter's column today brings to light many facts:
Woodward claimed he signaled Deep Throat by moving a red flag in a flowerpot to the back of his balcony and that Deep Throat signaled him by drawing the hands of a clock in Woodward's New York Times.
But in his 1993 book, Deep Truth: The Lives of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein Adrian Havill did something it had occurred to no one else to do: He looked at Woodward's old apartment!
Havill found that Woodward had a sixth-floor interior apartment that could not be seen from the street. Even from the back of the apartment complex, the balcony was too high for any flowerpot to be seen. So unless there was a "second flowerpot," visible from a nearby grassy knoll, the red flag in the flowerpot story is ... well, full of red flags.
In addition, newspapers were not delivered door-to-door in Woodward's apartment building but were left in a stack in the lobby. Deep Throat could not have known which newspaper Woodward would pick up.
We might have known all this before 1993 if America's ever-vigilant watchdog media had been, say, half as skeptical of Bob Woodward's claims as they were of Juanita Broaddrick's.
The fictional Deep Throat knew things Felt could not possibly have known, such as the 18 1/2-minute gap on one of the White House tapes. Only six people knew about the gap when Woodward reported it. All of them worked at the White House. Felt not only didn't work at the White House, but when the story broke, he also didn't even work at the FBI anymore.
Woodward and Bernstein's former literary agent, David Obst, has always said Deep Throat was a fictional device added to later drafts of "All the President's Men" to spice it up (kind of like everything in a Michael Moore film).
Obst scoffs at the notion that the No. 2 man at the FBI would have time to be skulking around parking lots spying for red flags on a reporter's balcony. "There's not a chance one person was Deep Throat," he told The New York Times.